Feedback Thoughts

For my two articles, I chose to read "Make Good Art" and "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head," both of which were very interesting and informative. Considering first "Make Good Art," though acclaimed writer Neil Gaiman gives lots of great pieces of advice in his speech, the one most relevant to the topic of receiving feedback is to make mistakes. There are a million motivational quotes out there giving this same advice (in fact, I've included one below), but it certainly does bear repeating often. It goes without saying that it doesn't feel good to fail, but it is important to do so because failure is such a great teacher.

On that note, "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head" makes a point of how we shouldn't go to the opposite extreme of learning just from failure. The focus of the article is on the importance of using positive feedback to grow and improve one's strengths, not just using negative feedback to address weaknesses. This is something I have worked on extensively in wrestling, but have had trouble implementing in other areas of my life. I'm very hopeful some of the tips given in this article can help me with that.

"The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up." Source: WeHeartMMA


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